Aug 07, 2006 22:36
And all no play .... well not quite :)
Ive was offered some work with "dot Net", a IT consultancy firm today, to do during my spare time outside my current job, which is going gr8 :).
Im apparently one of the mose highly trained people in the region for the use of Webservices and Epicores Vantage ERP system. Now if that not enough to make me smile i dont know what is. Well ok their are a few things but ne one coule be reading.
I was given a server last week at work. Which brings my running total of computers that the company have provided me with to two new desktop machines, one being the most powerfull the company have, and one U1 rack mounted server :)
For the unknowing Film Four are showing Studio Gibi Movies on film four after the 3 pm movie, so the Studio gibli films are on about 5pm. For though of you that dont know studio Gibli they made Princess monoke and spirited away and shame on you!