
Mar 17, 2014 09:39

So as far as Josie’s sleep thing, there is good and bad news. The good news is that Josie is sleeping more now and will sometimes sleep until 7:30 or so. The bad news is that a lot of the sleep is taking place in our bed. I’m kind of dealing with it (at least she crawls into bed with us and actually sleeps). Wade actually loves it and tells me to cherish it because soon she won’t want to do this anymore. Whatever, at least I’m getting sleep, though this all would be much more comfortable if we had a king sized bed. Also I am still pretty strict about putting her to sleep in her own bed, and she’s started to give me less of a hard time about it (though she does question why she is the only one going to bed while we get to stay up).

My mother in law is still here. The visit is going fine, though I miss being able to cuss and talk openly about inappropriate things- ha ha. My parents were here also this weekend (which is good because Wade had to work a full day yesterday) so there were plenty of grandparents around to entertain the Jose and I got to relax a little.

The great news is that Wade gets a comp day and we are both taking next Wednesday off, which will be a “date day”. Wade and I have spent so little time a lone together lately that this will be very exciting, even if we just sit around or go out to lunch together.

I am going into the city this week for an overnight trip - I have a demo for work and I’m also going to visit my grandparents.

I am way behind on my craft projects. I was using the lack of sleep as an excuse but I should get my act together.

Not much else to report on right now.
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