Well yeah i finally made myself update my livejournal because i've been so happy the weather is getting better(knocks on wood) yeah knowing Michigan i dont want to jinks my self >_< Well all has been going awesome on my side of the world at. At school i was nomaded by all the gym teachers for this most improved studed in physical education and now i have to write a 200 word SA about how im a leader(haha thats funny me a leader hahaha) Its very nice to know that im actualy impoving and people are notcing it. Finally all my hard work is paying off a bit. I roller bladed around Livonia today it was so much fun i can't wait till it gets even more nice out then i wont even have to drive most of the time lol. I realized all i use my computer for is reading manga i've been downloading Fullmetal Alchemist for a while now and its so frickin sweet the anime is like pokemon compared to the manga its sad i only started reading it this year. Well thats about all i have to say i hope everyone is doing good i miss a lot of you ^_^