.XI Bio.

Jan 24, 2020 12:00

NAME: JeniOctavia (or just Jeni)
AGE: 26
EMAIL ADDRESS: jenioctavia@gmail.com
LJ ACCOUNT: All accounts are under JeniOctavia

NAME: Kamui Gakupo (aka Gaku)
SERIES/SOURCE: Vocal Synthesis Program VOCALOID
AGE: 23
ROLE: Security


Much like the other older Vocaloids, Gaku does not discuss his past much. He has made allusions to being trained in martial arts, as well as the exquisite art of the samurai sword, and that he lived most of his life in a temple. He admits to being orphaned, found and raised by the people who lived at the temple, but beyond that, he simply doesn't speak of it. Somewhere along the way, though, he developed a love of all things music, including learning instruments, dancing, and singing, which he had a surprisingly good aptitude for. His voice was very much like that of various popular male idols in Japan, and when he wasn't at the temple, people took notice. His long purple hair was unique, and needless to say he usually garnered attention, most already mistaking him for some sort of performer. What people didn't know was that he had a strange attraction to grave yards, and would often go there to spend time alone, quietly communing with the spirits that resided there. It was his mutant power - the ability to see, talk with, and even summon spirits no longer in the material world.

Some time between his arrival at the temple and recent years, Gaku wound up alone in Tokyo. Though not exactly homeless, he wasn't particularly well off, either. Living with an acquaintance, he had a difficult time finding serious work due to his apperance making him look vaguely like a Harajuku district or a Visual-Kei band reject. He attempted to dye his hair black in order to hide it, but for some strange reason the color would never take.

By chance a talent scout heard him playing around with a guitar in a music store and asked if he was potentially interested in joining a band. Vocaloid had recently started and was already gaining popularity, with Miku at the helm, and Rin, Len, Kaito and Meiko adding to the mix, the scout figured Gaku's interesting look and vocals would be a good addition to the group. He could sing everything from ballads to slightly jazzier songs and J-Rock. Figuring there wasn't much else he could lose, he joined, and through a strange mixture of adoration and loving abuse, he wound up fitting in with the little musical family well. He was happy, laughing, joking around and being socially awkward while some how managing to still be endearing. The fans loved him, and for the time it appeared he had finally found a home.

But then things began to happen to his new found siblings. One by one they were revealed to have mutant powers, and one by one they were sent off to XI, with some sort of cover up following their mysterious 'disappearances'. So far Gaku had been able to keep his own power quiet and to himself, but the more it happened the more he began to worry he would be left alone again. He was loyal to them, and wanted nothing more than to stay with those he thought he'd never find in his life time.

Resigned but willing to do what it took, Gaku admitted his own power, and followed his family to XI...

PERSONALITY: Gaku is one thing first and foremost - flamboyant. It's not even really that he's gay. More than anything he's simply easily excitable and often too cheerful for his own damn good. It's difficult to tell at times if he's flirting or genuinely being nice, but really he just has a very open, kind heart and loves to share his enjoyment of life with others.

Unfortunately, while he is very intelligent in a book-smart sense, he's also quite obvious about most things, even to the point of not being aware that he might be making some one else uncomfortable or offending them. He seems to think that everyone loves him, not in a way that he's popular or that he deserves to be loved, but that he simply is that congenial of a person. While it can cause problems, it also gives him an edge in arguments and disputes, because he can turn up the charisma and charm should the need arise, and thus can find peaceful resolutions to arguments and disputes. Unless, of course, he's made them worse some how. None of this stops a good portion of his 'family' from being absolutely, horribly abusive to him, but he takes all of it in a surprisingly good nature stride.

He has a natural respect for people, and for women despite how his nature some times makes it appear otherwise. In a lot of aspects he's actually a very good leader, able to win people's trust and give trust of his own, something he holds as one of his highest honors. However when it comes to loyalty, it is to his 'family' first and foremost, and if you are not one of them and are doing something he morally disagrees with, even if you are his friend he will not be afraid to call you out on it. Very few things bring out his serious side, but a breaking of the bond of trust and family, or having some one he cares about in danger are a few of the things that do.

There is a darker side to Gaku, though. One that he's barely willing to admit exists...

APPEARANCE: Gaku wears his distinctly purple hair long, most often in a high pony tail with two longer pieces coming down the front and his bangs short and messy. His eyes are a bright blue, skin pale, and build on the tall and slight side. He's not particularly muscular in appearance but is stronger than he looks.

POWERS: Spirit Mastery/Medium - While actually far from completely 'mastering' it, Gaku has long been working with his ability to see and speak to spirits. To them they appear in black and white, and speak in a manner similar to telepathy, so their mouths don't move. Most spirits have very little memory of their living selves, but Gaku is able to see flickers of flashbacks the longer he talks to them.

For the most part he's better at simply talking with them than actually getting them to do his bidding, mostly because he's never really seen a reason to do so, but should it come right down to it he can make several spirits at once partially tangible and capable of inflicting minor damage on opponents. It truly is meant to be a passive skill, with defensive/offensive abilities more a secondary mechanism.

ANYTHING ELSE?:  He's trained and fairly decent with a samurai sword as well as some basic hand to hand martial arts, though he is very, very opposed to the idea of violence and will not strike back unless there is no other choice. .

!kamui gakupo, !ooc, !xi, !app

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