Magicdraft App

Oct 07, 2011 15:54

AGE: 31
JOURNAL: slick_nyc
AIM/PLURK/EMAIL: Aim: nathangreyxman, sohkalumni | My plurk,

NAME: Sir Suzaku Kururugi
RACE: Human (Japanese)
AGE: 18
CANON POINT: Post Series
APPEARANCE: 5'10, short brown hair, green eyes, slim but athletic build.

Suzaku will be arriving at Hogwards post-series, where I want him to be placed in Gryffindor. This is because, when it comes to attributes like bravery, daring, and nerve, Suzaku has them in spades. He's, frankly, balls out fearless, and is more than willing to dive into a situation, even when the odds are stacked against him. It's all worth it to him if it'll help save lives in the end.

When he first started piloting the Lancelot. he was often viewed as expendable by his superiors, and used mainly as decoy. But through a mix of skill, talent, power, and a willingness to dive into danger, he managed to exceed beyond anyone's expectations, quickly going from expendable to invaluable. It was his daring, combined with his ability, that often times allowed him to tear apart even the best laid plans by his enemies. Even as Zero, he's still more than willing to throw himself on the front lines of any danger, as evidenced in how he fought his way past lelouch's personal guard in order to kill him.

Despite his fearlessness, though, he's never careless or out of control. His actions may seem impulsive, but rarely does he ever act without thinking, or without some sort of plan or guidance from his superiors. He always has a clear objective, its how he achieves it that's usually left up to him to decide.

When it comes to chivalry, he's not lacking in that either. He's very much a gentleman, though he doesn't see women as the weaker sex and will never scoff at a girl being on the battlefield. He was simply raised with manners, so he is the type to hold open a door for a girl and pull out a chair, and if there's a distressed damsel somewhere, he's probably on his way right now.

As a backup, I'd choose Hufflepuff. Suzaku initially, quite strongly, in ideals like hard work, patience, and fairness. He believed that the ends never justified the means, and tried his best to do things the right way. Ultimately, he did abandon those ideals, however, it wasn't because he thought those ideals were foolish. It was more that he recognized that he was in a world and a situation where those things wouldn't work for him, not with what he wanted to do.

He had to help break the world first as the Knight of Zero, but as Zero, he's helping to remake it so that things like hard work, patience, loyalty, and fairness will allow people to prosper, rather than power and prosperity landing in the hands of the greedy and corrupt. While he was merciless on the battlefield as the Knight of Zero, it was only because that's what he needed to be for the Zero Requiem. Off of it, he may have been a bit cold and distant, but he was never cruel, callous, mean, or hateful towards anyone.

Suzaku's loyalty frequently comes into question, however he was always more loyal to Japan and Britannia than he was to any one person in a position of power. This has led to him having a reputation of betraying people in order to gain more power and further his agenda, though he'd never betray someone just for that reason. He'd never turn his back on someone unless he feels they've done so to him first, or he vehemently disagrees with what they were doing. He's extremely loyal to his friends at Ashford, though, and risked his life to save them when they were taken hostage by the JLF, and was even willing to surrender himself to save them again when the school had been take over by the Black Knights.


POSITION: Student.

ORIENTATION: Straight. His only real love interest in the show was Princess Euphemia, though there were never any displays of physical affection between them. Beyond that, he's never shown much interest in anyone else, though there were vague teases of something between him and Shirley.

ABILITIES & POWERS: Suzaku's physical prowess is top notch, easily surpassing most every else's around him. He's extremely quick, strong,and agile, with incredible reflexes and superior hand-eye coordination. He's been training in the kendo style of martial arts since he was a child, and has masted it, and picked up additional styles over the years. The closest thing he has to any superhuman abilities is his Geass, which is like a powerful hypnotic suggestion, which forces him to "live." He can harness this command to increase his reflexes and accuracy to higher levels, not to mention instinctively time certain actions should the precision be necessary to save his life. It'll also cause him to act with a certain ruthlessness to save his own life, which inadvertently caused him to murder a number of people with the FLEIJA bomb. I'm not sure how this would work with magic, though, in theory, he could use his Geass to help him pull off spells that he might not be able to normally.


Hawthorn wood, which matches Suzaku's often conflicted nature. He's the guy who sided with the conquering Brtannians over his own people, because he thought it could bring peace. His best friend became his worst enemy. Suzaku even adopted the identity of Zero despite hating him. So, yeah, he's conflicted about a lot of things, so Hawthorn suits him best.

Phoenix Feather Core, thematically appropriate, as the name Suzaku corresponds to the Chinese constellation of the Vermillion Bird of the South. He was also thought to have died in a fiery explosion, only to be reborn as Zero. It also places him opposite Lelouch, who has the symbol of the dragon. The Dargon and the Phoenix are often depicted as fluxuating from best friends to worst enemies, which describes his relationship with Lelouch to a 'T'. Beyond that, it gives him a greater spell range, to match Suzaku's versatility, and the wand is known for showing initiative, which Suzaku does as well. On top of that, Phoenix core wands are hard to master, and given Suzaku's stubborn persistence, and willingness to work hard, a wand that would force him to put in the extra hours would be good for him. It would also mirror his old relationship with his cat, Arthur.

10 inches, because while Suzaku may not have as vibrant a personality as, say, Lelouch, he does have a way of making his presence known.

And it'll be reasonably springy, since Suzaku is going to have to adapt to magic, he'll need his wand to meet him halfway.

MISC.: Can he bring Arthur with him? Also, Suzaku is much better hand to hand fighter than anything else, so is it possible for him to pick up normal weapons on enchanted ones? Especially something that can act as a slash harken would be of great use to him.


[When the video comes on, Suzaku is standing in the gym wearing his traditional training gi. He got a little help in transfiguring some his clothes, thankfully.]

Hey, would anyone be interested in sparring sometime? [He looked a little sheepish for a moment.] Preferably not with wands, though I really need to work on that. But I'd rather none of my other skills get rusty while I get the hang of magic.

So, any takers?


This magic thing was a hell of a lot harder than he thought. Not that he thought it would be easy, but it largely seemed rather simple and straight forward. Wave your wand, say a magic word, and whatever you wanted to happen should happen.

Except that this wand seemed more temperamental than Arthur. It cast spells whenever it felt like it, and seemed to cast whatever spells it felt like casting. Because Suzaku was fairly sure that going Locomotor Table wasn't supposed to result in half the furniture in the room bursting into flames.

Thankfully he got the fire under control and put out quickly, but it was still a harrowing experience. He stared at his wand, and he could almost feel it giving him the same look that Arthur used to give him. The look that said yeah, I just bit you and scratched up your face and now I'm going to sit here and preen and you aren't going to do a damn thing about it, human Suzaku sighed initially, though as he glanced over at Arthur, he couldn't help but smile a bit. Apparently this relationship with his wand was going to be an uphill battle too.

He looked back at the wand, that smile still playing on his lips. "I think I'll name you Guinevere."

Guinevere promptly tried to set Suzaku's hair on fire.

app, magicdraft

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