Aug 25, 2005 18:49
Well, here we go, another fun-filled semester destined to be medicore.
American Politics: Eh, my lecturer is a damn dirty Bronco's fan, and my TA hates people. We got in groups in discussion and designed a government from the ground up, one we would be using for the rest of the semester. I thought it would be cool to have a totalitarian dictorship, but the putz with the punk rock down with the man agenda started giving me a dirty look, so I went in the opposite direction. Now, we have a government whose estimated time to make a national law is 2.5 years, while the politicians only serve two year terms. If I can't control them directly, I'd rather there be no control at all. And my lecturer is a Bronco's fan, did I mention that? He's kinda funny, but he tries really really hard.
Medieval History: The lecturer has a cool, very soft British accent. I wish I had a cool, very soft British accent. I could be all, like, cool and stuff. Anyways, I think this class will go a lot better then the last time I tried taking it. And Mindy's in it. And Josh. Discussion's tomorrow, haven't had it yet, though the TAs look young. Should be good.
Logic and Reasoning: Stupid waste of time.
Fiction Writing: I like so far. The teacher is pretty cool, in an incoherent kinda way. I'm hoping I like it, and I'm hoping it does some good in the ol' writing department. Not that my genius needs it, but still, it can't hurt. That was sarcasm. My teacher is also of an indeterminate age; I can't peg him. He said he was born in the 70's, so that makes him 25-35. He looks on the lower half of that scale, but he just seems older. I dunno.
American Literature: This class sounds like a lot of work. Which I'm not totally opposed to when it comes to this kind of stuff, but still. This class will probably inspire many late nights. How come the male English professors are cool and casual while the female English professors have a stick up their ass? It's mystifying. Still, I'm looking forward to it.
Perhaps later I'll write about non-class stuff.