Muslims raping Europe.... wait what?

Jun 10, 2010 09:30

'Follow the Islamic way to save the world,' Prince Charles urges.

Prince Charles is right. Britain shiould become more like Iraq and Afghanistan, Morrocco, Yemen and the Sudan. The environment is a real priority in those countries. **facepalm**

Muslims Rape Epidemic In Scandinavia.

The number of rapes against children have doubled, threats against witnesses in Swedish court cases have quadrupled, and currently ongoing is a case involving a 13 year old girl who was gang raped by four Kurdish Muslims, who not only raped the poor girl for hours, but took photos of them doing so.

(it's all there in the link. I won't re-link repeatedly.) The article makes a good case against the hijab as it is used in these modern times in these European settings.

Savages. Anyone who rapes a young girl ought to be placed on the firing squad.

rage, europe, muslim extremist bullshit, islam, islamofascism

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