No More Heroes 2's villains.

Feb 17, 2010 02:26

A Surprisingly insightful look at NMH's bosses...

One man's genius comment about Shinobu vs Million Gunman - a Tale of a Battle of the Races...
To elaborate, I just found it distasteful, that you'd call out for comments from "actual" african american women, as if they would have insight beyond a non-african american.
That's the sort of racism that runs rampant now. The subtle and righteous kind that nobody admits to.
I guarantee I'll never see an article on from you calling out for "caucasian males" to throw in their 2 cents, when it comes to getting insight into travis touchdowns psyche.

Also, I never really knew what shinobu was as far as her race. Doesn't play into anything, yet this one time you have a non-stereotypical "black" female kicking ass in a video game, and you chain her down with being a victim of "racism" and "misogynism". She can't simply be a cool character. Its always gotta be about white/black-male/female when you throw a black female in the mix. That is why I said it was embarrassing at best.
You could be completely right about your conclusions, but none of us knows for sure.
I just find this sort of stuff is the very thing that perpetuates dishonesty when it comes to race "issues".
Even when a character isn't displaying obvious stereotypes, we choose to tie them to some sort of victimhood before they kill their oppressors.


Its cool that you love NMH2, as it is also one of my favorites. I just wonder if you could challenge yourself to come up with something that didn't ask for exclusionism.

Also, women aren't innocent little flowers incapable of evil. The word "misogynism" and its variations are wrongly applied to virtually anything "male", and its getting very old.

Not trying to cause anger over this. Just wondering if its possible for people to not say the obvious so often, and join the few of us that don't cater to the politically correct and sanitized world of race and gender relations.


I just wanted to throw a little counterpoint in there just to get an idea if there was anything else you maybe could lift from the boss fights featuring Shinobu, that didn't include race stuff. Perhaps Suda 51's intent was exactly how you say, as it was a fair assessment.

I guess my point was that I sort of feel that the coolness of Shinobu almost gets cheapened when she becomes a tool to illustrate some point between races, as opposed to simply being "just a fucking kick ass character", which in my personal opinion, is the ultimate in getting past certain hang-ups regarding race.

As for a misogynism, yeah I'll admit I bring a bit of baggage on that one. I suppose I feel the same way about gender. I don't give women the status of victimhood automatically like I seem to see society doing constantly. I just approach them as another human being, living and breathing and capable of taking what I throw at them. (and no, i don't mean punches).

So, when i talk to people of all races, I don't cater to them differently, but I also don't hold back anything I'd like to share when i see people always pointing out things, I see it from a point of view where I feel like it just perpetuates the same division that everyone is familiar with....
I realize that isn't the whole picture, but that was the perception I was throwing out there for the heck of it.

Ah, now I can perhaps see where the author was coming from... he happens to be a Black Male. The Comments above were written in contrast to the author's views...

Don't get me wrong, I love Shinobu to death. But I just don't see how Shinobu vs Million is suppose to symbolize "the struggle" between African-Americans and Anglo-Americans. Not-At-All.

racism, no more heroes

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