(no subject)

Jun 29, 2004 03:55

I bet you can't guess how big the moth was that just attacked me.
But it was HUGE. Like 4 or 5 inches across.
Bigger then the one on friday.

Yeah, and it attacked me.
I think it's seeking revenge.
But the joke is on it. I just wrote 2 poems and a story.

All three allude to moths.
And it wasn't deliberate, not at all. It was some sub concious bullshit just taking over. Upon reading after the furious uncontrollabe writing urges, all I could think was... "moths. It's all about moths."

I really was attacked. That motherfucker was all up in my face. I think it got in my house, too.
Oh, dear. Sleep isn't coming easy tonight.
EDIT: wow, I can't believe I forgot to update about my dreams.
but they're all becoming the same, recently. There's always hallways, a party, the same people, MOTHS, and some crazy game show. God dammit, i'm sick of seeing all of you in my dreams over and over and over again playing the same roles.
I'M SICK OF MOTHS. THEY'RE ATTACKING ME PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY. for real, one killed me in my dream last night. It got into my body somehow and caused a massive infection of all sorts. Upon autopsy, the furry substance covering it's body was found suffocating all of my vital organs and tissues. But I had very strange organs, anyhow. Wether the moth mutated them or wether it was just my nutty dreamstate re-writing the human anatomy books, i'm not sure.

But I think it was the moth.

I still fear sleep. I also just read all of the Scary Stories To Chill your Bones or whatevers back to back. And they still scare me. Alot. BECAUSE I'M A TOTAL TARD LIKE THAT OMG FOREALZ.
Yeah, ok.
Er goodmorning.
It's 4am.
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