Jun 02, 2001 22:40
So today was an uneventful. I'm bleaching my hair for the 3rd time. sigh.. DAMN THIS BLACK HAIR! >< I want my blue hair.. dammit. so pissy. anywho.
Today a regular costumer asked if I could design a tattoo for him. He's seen my "work" before, I doodle now and then. also I designed some of my brother's tattoos and awhile ago someone I used
to go to school with asked me to design him one too. I was thinking maybe I should open my own lil business for designing tattoos or something. It'd be nice to have one of my very own. Which may come true in Julyyyy.. wheeeee... hhhhhmm.. many things planned.
Soooooooo... yeah that's what I'm thinking.. hmm..I'll write more later.. if I'm up to it.. sigh