So here it is! My first real post of the year. And what are the odds that it's on April Fool's Day. Oh well, I guess in the original sense of the holiday, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Much has happened so far. Most of it good. I went to MidSouthCon29 this past weekend. I ran a Worious game and helped start a group heckleing session in the movie room that lasted til dawn, among other things. I even got to brake out my new fully completed, self cobbled, Mad Hatter costume for the first time. In short, I had a fucking awesome time this year. There was one shitty instance on Friday night when I had a real horrendous bitch of an anxiety attack. But luckily,
sillyweasel was there, as well as a few others that helped me through it. Words cannot express how greatful I am. Thank you, Carley, Mikey, Trena and John.
Aside from that, I've been living back in Midtown with my friend Paul and attemping to reclaim the house from almost a decade's worth of hoarding and turn my small part of it into some sort of work space. Being that I'm starting a collaboration with friends on a website featuring bi-weekly and monthly webcasts of different shows, cartoons, trivia, and an off-beat news program. My eventual hope is to relocate to a more suitable base of operations in the next year, whether that'll be a different building, city or state will depend on how hard I work at this. So I'm going give it the best goddamn shot I can muster.
I'm also trying to work a few emotion things out along side the process. Let's face it, The last few years of my life have just steadily been adding to the overall trauma I've been carrying for a long time. And I know now that a lot of it was my own damn fault. I'm not completely sure what all this will entail, but I know I have to try. It's time to grow, time to learn. Mostly, it's time to heal. >END TRANSMISSION