I just got back from uni and my calc exam. I guess I'm pretty relieved now.
Well, it wasn't exactly easy. I don't think I need too many marks on it to pass the overall course. Shockingly, my half-assed method of studying was a lot more helpful than my original plan to learn everything. I just hope I did well enough.
When I was coming home, I was standing waiting on my bus when I had this weird feeling. You know the feeling you get when there's a 70+ year old perv breathing down your neck? That one. Oh, and I could hear him too. Somewhere in his mind he'd decided that the appropriate way to get someone's attention is to forcefully jab them in the back, which to me seems a little much but whatever. I looked round and he asked me some question (well what barely passed for a question) about a bus. I said 'I don't know', to which he replied 'You don't care.' I was like 'Ok...' and then he told me that I'm 'not very bright', which I felt was a nice time to ignore him and turn back round. Apparently he must not have taken the hint and thought that I was just having trouble hearing, because he felt the need to repeat it like another 3 times. I noticed that the bus had arrived so I headed over to it and was followed by a 'Hey you!' another 'You're not very bright' and some kind of name that I couldn't make out, but I'm assuming it wasn't something nice.
So now I have 10 whole days of doing nothing, apart from getting my hair cut tomorrow.
Oh oh oh and the full trailer for the Silent Hill movie is online!
http://playlist.yahoo.com/makeplaylist.dll?id=1401398&sdm=web&qtw=640&qth=400(It's based on the first game of a series. If you haven't played it then you so should :p )
I think that this is going to be the best game to movie conversion so far. On the whole, they tend to suck or go too far from the game.
Silent Hill seems to be closely following the plot of the original game with a few changes to the main story, replacing the male lead with a female, and a couple of extra characters. They've even taken scenes straight from the game (like the girl stepping out on the road in front of the car).
But the best thing is that it looks like the game. It has that whole disturbing feel to it, and it looks like they've done an awesome job with the alternate reality.
I think it looks like it will actually be scary, and I have some high hopes for it.
I can't wait <333