Nov 20, 2005 01:14
So I went to see Harry Potter today.
I thought it was pretty good but I kept picking at things that annoyed me. I don't even remember the book so well, so it was mainly jokes/dialogue/actors I didn't really like :p
My main problem with it is that it moved too fast. Especially during the beginning, everything was onto the next scene so fast. I felt that things weren't being explained well enough and character development was almost non-existant. (Ooooh Harry and Ron bitch at eachother. Then some more. That's about it) The students from the other schools had quite little screen time and close to no lines at all.
To be honest I don't think it stands very well on its own as a movie. I think you'd need to be familiar with the book to get it.
And I don't care what other people say, this movie was really pushing Harry/Hermione shippyness (or at least I saw it that way). Well, until the whole deal with Ron at the ball.
I really don't like the attempts at comedy in these movies (some stuff in previous movies was funny but this one didn't really do anything for me). It's like the kind of 'jokes' that just appeal to children.
(Oh no, Ron said 'piss off' - cue row of annoying kids giggling)
Gah, not enough Snape in this movie either. What was that about? :p
Also, Emma Watson seems to be having trouble controlling her eyebrows... It's like a facial spasm when she talks.
And I have a feeling that the ending really wouldn't make a lot of sense to people who hadn't read the book.