Aug 30, 2005 04:04
Update FROM THE FUTURE :O 1/25/06
Err, I suppose that I should say that this LJ is/has been for a while now, a Friends Only kinda thing. I should have probably said this sooner (Thats a huge understatement -_-;) But Im saying it now just in case *you* (Some person that just happened to stumble upon this very irrelevant LJ) want to friend me but until now thought I was probably dead. Well, Im not, and if you were hooked by all the stuff I left public, then I guess you can friend me and Ill get back to you as soon as I notice that my friends list ACTUALLY got bigger! :O Which will probably be easy as hell since I dont have too many to begin with XP So, yeah... To finish up this post, Im not dead, and will be very very veryyyy surprized if this update actually gets read, I mean, who actually reads this stuff XP Im kinda questioning if even my friends glance at my LJ seeing as they have like, fuckin, 50 friends XD Well, so long (anyone who reads this).
Yeah, forget >_>
I really only need the Newgrounds BBS for my fill of randomness amongst users X_x
And nothing beats Radiogrounds if you ever happen to want to listen to music online :P