Feb 03, 2005 23:25
hey, this entry isnt so happy. iv notice the last few weeks that life for everyone is changing... yes stupid, it might sound.. i have had alot of friends in my life, and alot of friends iv trusted and have cared for as they have for me. people i could cry with, hug, spend hours with, people i think about all the time...
and as must as iv been trying to make a false world, a dream where ill spend my life with my friends always near me... iv noticed that im lying to myself, the people i care about one day will leave my side, some sooner then never and most likly befor i die....
now its started, and to think 18... and life still hasnt made me feel better... i had so many plans for the future... and here i am practicly in tears.. because i might not have my friend to share them with...iv always felt friendship is more important then anything in the world... but why does life take such a course where you lose them. when you grow up you a tought to always: "fight for what you believe in, do the best you can, and never give up hope" and you could always live a happy life... but ever notice how as much as you fight and try, theres always somthing in the way.
my entire life iv had goals just like everyone else in the world. and just like everyone my goal is different. I'v always wanted to life my life with the people i care about, but im lucky if i could with only one... but then i wouldnt be fufilling my dream, but im torn because.. its just a dream... an illusion.
im in college, ima graduate, find the job of my choice and buy a house, have a family of my own... but i want stories to tell my kids, i wanna live a life full of interesting stories. adventures, mishaps.. friends... i love liberty... but i cant just live life with her... i need my friends there with me... someone to tell me when im fucking up, somone to help me, somone to hang with, somone to have stories with, share inside jokes with. and so on...
all my life iv always dreamed of going on road trips, bar hopping with the guys, even living with them [ stupid "friends" tv show ] but it feels my dreams are shot to shit. yes im sure im being selfish... but i hope eveyone is following there dream... do everything in life that will get you closer to what you'xe dreamt about.. and remeber it forever, keep that amazing life story of sucsess and make sure new genarations hear it.
life is only worth wild when lived to its fullest... happiness is what makes life.. without friends your life will never be what it could have....