Just random.

May 23, 2006 23:26

Hmm. I've got a sore throat. Just started mid-day today. Not thrilled about this, obviously. My dad just had a horrid case of laryngitis and couldn't speak for days. I really REALLY hope this isn't what I have... if it is, I hope it comes on tomorrow and goes away quickly. Otherwise, I might not be able to verbalize an "I do." Yikes.

I got SO PISSED OFF yesterday because of my nursing advisor's lack of advice-giving skills. I had a mental breakdown and flipped out. What's worse is that it happened at like 10 PM when it was too late to do anything about these problems. So I sat there, frustrated as hell, but luckily Kristin came over. She helped to calm me down and then surprisingly I was able to draw my picture for the centerpieces/table numbers. It looked cool and I copied them at Kinko's today. Then Kristin and I went to WalMart and got a couple of other little things done so that was nice.

By the way: the season finale of 24 last night?! Son of a BITCH. Why do they DO that?! >_<

Today was productive: I got a majority of things checked off on my to-do list from before. Unfortunately, I have to wait until June 4th (when I officially change from Nurse Intern to Graduate Nurse) to get my new Children's ID badges. I also have to wait to change my name and all that jazz. I'm sure it will be fun, though! Not. Anywho, I went to see if the paper had come in for the programs and it hadn't... so that was a little pet-peevish, but I'm not freaking out unless it gets to be Friday and I still haven't gotten it. What else... I got a lot of the crap sorted out for graduation fees / all the stuff I had to send in for my temporary work permit / licensure exam info etc. It was a nasty process but I'm kinda happy I did it myself--with no help from my advisor. I did call her, though... and her advice was for me simply to not change the name on my driver's license until after I take the NCLEX (state boards test). So whatever. Could've decided on that myself, but oh well. I somehow stayed calm while talking to her--last night I was ready to chew her head off and thensome. So I was feeling good about things until I got an email from the NCLEX people saying they got my check (whew!) and info... too bad my name is spelled completely wrong. I guess I didn't do a good enough job at erasing on the ScanTron thing... f*ck. I'll have to give the Department of Licensing and Regulations or whatever a call tomorrow. And the address they have is my current one in Oak Creek... they only said the NAME had to match when I presented myself when I took the boards. My driver's license currently shows my Greendale address. Who the heck knows... just one more thing I wish I didn't have to be calling and enquiring about; plus I gotta work tomorrow.

I hope Penny is ok~she has been meowing up a STORM since I got home from Kristin's. She doesn't seem to be in pain, but I can't remember the last time she meowed this much!!! Maybe she's just playful? It's kinda cute... she does the purr-meow thing. Aww. Hmm...

Well, despite my craving to get things accomplished tonight (i.e. putting the table decorations together, making t-shirts for June 4th, etc.), I am voting to go to bed to boost my immune system. I plan on drinking a sh*tload of water and orange juice and chicken noodle soup and getting a lot of sleep. You know, I kinda hoped, as sucky as it would have been, to get sick at finals time like I usually do. This is late and might just screw me over. Oyy, sorry about all the b*tching in this update. I really am in a good mood. :)

So to end on a light note, I got a nice birthday present from some guy in Toronto. He hit a double just for me on my 22nd birthday. ;D
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