Warped. Well. Blegh.

Jul 26, 2006 18:06

Warped Tour, Pronoun:
Most likely the best assembly of awesome bands ever. 79 awesome bands, 8 stages, will be the best day of your life if you go.
I went to Warped Tour and it made my life worth living, it was my favorite experiance I can recall!
What should be the best day of your life if you go, unless of course, your mom and her fiance ruin it in every possible way, like getting you there SO late that you cant find the friend who you were supposed to meet, nag you and dont let you see your favorite bands, make you sit down for hours and hours, making you miss the awesomeness, cling to your arm, scare away the hot emo boys you were about to get phone numbers from, spill drinks on themselves, embarass you to all hell, and make you leave after 4 hours, in which time of the 50 bands you loved with all your heart, of 79 rockin' bands, you see five of sevnty nine.

Thank you, Mother, and Keith, very much for ruining the best day of my life. Thanks. Motherfuckers, I swear there will be an accident in which you both very painfully fall down the steps and break all your bones and are left to die tragicly as your stomach acids seep everywhere, burning you from the inside out. (My dad told me that was possible so I have hope now!!)

Well, I was miserable for hours, but then I realized...
I can get revenge then go next year with my friends and not lose them and get stalked by losers!!
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