Who wants to go to New York with Rei & Paul next Friday?
We need to get there and need a couple more folks to split gas with.
Speaking of money and New York, go check out my new book:
'America's East Coast on $35' (Simon & Schuster)
Tips include:
-Why peanut butter has all the nutrients a body needs!
-Clever panhandling signs!
-How to cheat (and win!) in a fight with burly fishermen using only your bare hands and a gun!
-How to photoshop burly fishermen into a fake book cover posthumously!
-How to boil stolen lobsters using flowerpots stolen from the memorial wakes of dead fishermen!
-How to make clever wake/warf jokes!
-Top ten items to plant in your food to get a restaurant to pick up the check!
-How to forge a postcard!
-How to put whiskey in everything!
-History of Boston statehouses!
-Table of Contents (with forward by the author*)!
-Cobbling made E-Z!
-How to eat your hands: My patented one-step process.
*Said forward is solely for the Table of Contents. The body of this book itself has no forward.