Apr 18, 2009 18:27
Ok, there are 3 levels of pain in my life. ^_^ YAY!!! I have 3 paths of pain...sorry, Narutard joke.
Level 1: Tattoo: This hurts. I'm not going to lie. This pain sucks but in the end you have a new piece of you to show off to the world. ^_^ Recent piece of me is on my neck and i cryed like a little baby. It was bad. My friends were laughing whores.
Level 2: Break ups: Now this is a pain that takes it sweet time to go away. I admit, I'm a f**k up but when you start to lose feelings in each other and you think the two of you should work things out and the oppitise sex doesn't won't to. Than it hurts more. I think that if you can work out the problems in both parties lives the relationship will go alot easier. But when both parties try to control the other parties life than everything is worthless.
Level 3: Deaths: In two weeks I have buried two relatives and it isn't the worlds greatest feeling at all. But this is a pain that never leaves me alone. I'm actually kind-of tired of seeing it. It is hard on oneself when you have deaths in your family or in a friends family and you know the person.
All these pains suck...what is funny. I've had all three of these pains in a two week time period. Go gravy, Life is interesting.