Dream ♚ 001

Dec 15, 2011 22:22

Effects: Feelings of anger, shame, hatred, betrayal
Warnings: R2 Spoilers?

Lelouch may or may not have daddy issues )

leave me alone, get out, somarium is not cool, daddy issues, !dream, angry lelouch, i hate my family, i was in a sleep coma

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action; aevitas December 16 2011, 22:06:11 UTC
[ and just waking herself, is the Gray Witch. she opens her eyes blearily at the hard sound, tilting her head as she notes the bed is empty. ]

What is it now..?


action; zerointegrity December 17 2011, 09:18:31 UTC
[Standing at the window, Dreamberry on the floor near his feet, Lelouch turns when he hears her voice. It is unfortunate that this dream was broadcast, that he had to dream about his father at all, as this particular memory (or any memory involving this man) is something he never wanted to share with anybody else.]

A dream of mine was broadcast.

[With a sigh, he grabs the Dreamberry from the floor and leaves the window, returning to the bed.]

This was something I never wanted to relive, never wanted to share with anybody but you, and, above all else, never wanted my precious sister to know. And for the entirety of Somarium to see it? For Nunnally and Shirley to see this dream, to see that man do that to me?

[He pauses and pounds his fist into the bed before falling back on to the pillow]

I never wanted to see him again, C.C.! That was a day that I never wanted to think about. What that man did to me, what Suzaku did to me... And for everybody in Somarium to see it? I've been in Somarium for over a year and I've never had ( ... )


action; aevitas December 17 2011, 20:08:30 UTC
[ she sits up, looking down at him with a quiet, speculative look on her face. ]

We can't control what happens in this world, Lelouch. If anything, the fact that it happened this late, is almost fortunate. The question is now, what will you do, to those that will inevitably respond?

[ ' Will you use your Geass ' ? Over this? ]

..It's over. Charles is in a place not even I can reach now.


action; zerointegrity December 19 2011, 08:43:47 UTC
[He looks up at her with an extremely unpleasant look on his face, something that shouldn't come as a surprise to the witch.]

I know we can't control what happens in this world. I'm well aware of that, but I can still be upset that this dream, of all dreams, had to be the one for everybody to see.

[What would he do? What could he do?]

There's nothing I can do but explain what happened should either one of them ask. I've already used my geass on Nunnally and Shirley... but I wouldn't use it over something like this, regardless of whether or not I had already used it. And Clovis? I'm sure he'll see no harm in our father's actions, praising the man's every move, contributing nothing of any actual significance to our conversation concerning the contents of my dream.

[He's thankful Schneizel isn't here, though a bit curious as to what his older brother would say after seeing something like this, after finding out their father was capable of such things.]I know it's over and I know he's gone, but his actions, my actions, Suzaku's ( ... )


action; aevitas December 20 2011, 20:40:30 UTC
These are the choices you made. These are the consequences that would follow you in any world. These dreams simply make a spectacle of that. It's wrong, even cruel, but you've seen from the world you sought to change that there is little sense in how it works.

[ she sits up, shrugging off the blanket on her shoulders, ]


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