[Video] ♚ 002

Nov 02, 2010 00:25

[The camera is briefly out of focus and some shuffling is heard before it is placed on the desk. A moment later, the young man comes into view, a slightly irritated look on his face.]

Looking over the dreams, voice and video messages, and other public broadcasts from the past three weeks, it appears as if the Overlord has decided to play more games with Somarium and its citizens. I'm a bit saddened that I was not able to experience these games for myself, though I suppose I should consider myself a bit lucky that I wasn't subjected to neither the castle filled with horrendous nightmares nor the interactive dreams that the rest of my compatriots had the pleasure of being thrust into.

[His look of irritation slowly fades into a small smirk]

Tell me, Somarium, your thoughts and experiences from this last week that you spent in hell. I'm curious. I want to know exactly what I missed from those that experienced it firsthand.

First the castle falls and now many of the residents have been through hell and back... Is there any speculation as to what the Overlord has in store for us next?

!video post, moon cycle 41, i was in a sleep coma, overlord, c.c.

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