Oct 21, 2005 08:26
As I look into this glass that returns my worn, tired gaze.
I can see into the soul of the person that stands before it.
Every memory, every deed, every crime locked in my record, my soul of a human being.
But at my very core I am more than human, and I am not less than human.
I see the imperfection of my skin, my physical self...but aside from that I see a radiance that has no place in this tired old shell. I see a love surrounding me.
A love sad and displaced, with no place to call itself a home.
But perhaps this reflection is simply a reflection and I am just reflecting on myself as I have changed from whom I was ten years ago to now.
What I am now. I do not know.
All I know is that in the end I am still here...in corporal form or another, my soul locked onto this plane forever...or is it locked in my reflection?