Dec 05, 2008 20:31
So lots of news and stuff. . .
I am finishing off principle photography for my film in hopes of completing the rough edits on Tuesday so that I can compose the score over winter break.
blah blah blah
my life is uber hectic
Fell in love with a girl
I fell in love at once and almost completely
I literally met her formally last friday and neither one of us has had a night's sleep because we both feel we'd rather be hanging out with each other. Her name is Lauren and she is full of win. some know who I'm talking about and I'm sure they agree. She has become the one thing to keep me sane in this last weeks hum-fuckery of work and stuff to do. I have got so much to be done in so little time. I might sleep through christmas.
Anyway, that's the news from lake Wolbegone where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.
she's beautiful