Jun 23, 2005 18:34
Two Posts in the same-day
That means only one thing, I'm in such a good mood and I do have to say I owe it to no one, not even myself. I owe it to not letting the little things control me but rather take control of the things that actually matter. Like for instance, my drive to get through this day was not being able to get some sleep and have to do chores when I get home and complain to everyone about how life sucks. NO! My driving force, my energy for getting through the hot day was looking forward to seeing my beautiful girlfriend, and looking forward to giving my mother her birthday present. Its amazing how simple you can make life happy, and how the simpilicity of life can make you happy. There are no strings attached when you give others your smiles, your laughter and love. Now I know there are some guys and girls out there that are going to be pansies and think "Yeah buddy your living the good life but it doesnt work like the for everyone." well thats where I say you are wrong. You are not dumb, you are not ignorant yet you have never tried it therefore its never worked. Smile at someone that you dont normaly smile at, and smile at those you havent smiled at in a long time. It will make their day and you will see how happy it will make you. I think I heard somewhere that the cheapest way to improve your looks is to smile. Good luck to you guys and girls, give yourself some credit and then give it to others. Live, Laugh and Love, I dont know who came up with that but thats pretty much all the stuff you need that will let life work out for the better. God bless you all and ttyl -