What I hate (inspired by the Rev. LaMarr. PREACH ON BROTHER!)

Apr 30, 2005 03:00

1. Aiken

2. Those Fast and the Furious fuckers

3. Emo bitches

4. Bf/Gf drama and those they bring into it

5. teeny bopping high schools that talk during a movie. (I didnt pay 7.50 to hear what your boyfriend did to you last night

6. People who put theyre cell phone volume on max even is the room is dead silence.

7. Liberals

8. Al Sharpton (I aint racist)

9. my boss(es)

10. people that are constently depressed for no reason at all. (We call these attention seekers)

11. Old people that cant drive

12. The kids that switched from preppy to goth in a matter of 24hrs

13. Save the Children commericals

14. Celebrities

15. the Hollywood-L.A.-Beverly Hills area

16. pump shot paintball markers

17. Dept. of Defense

18. The White House Liaison

19. Bible-thumping Christians

20. High Schoolers that think that they are Pagan or Wiccan or whatever Trendy religion there is.

21. people that think they are "Gangsta"

22. IRS

23. Anti-NRA protesters

24. Lifetime channel (The Man-hating channel)

25. Lemon cars

26. Rap

27. Country

28. Repetative metal music (Bands that try too hard to sound like Cannibal Corpse)

29. NAACP South Carolina division

30. people who disrespect veterans

31. Hippies

32. The French

33. eMachines

34. Tech School

35. Girls who are attracted to assholes, or who are WITH an asshole. (with a passion)

36. Yaoi (Thats wrong, so wrong)
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