"I tried doing good, but good's just not good for me."

Feb 05, 2009 01:44

Thanks, xsmithereens!
Are you guilt​y of drunk​ diali​ng?​ I don't drink, and I very rarely dial.
Do your paren​ts smoke​?​ Both of them do. My mom smoked while pregnant with me and I was born with severe asthma that gets worse annually. My youngest brother also has asthma. And in our house, our cat now has asthma.
Last perso​n to comme​nt you? Marrow.
Are you a snob at schoo​l?​ I don't go to school. And because I refused to buy into the college industry, I have no real reason to become a snob.
Last perso​n to hear you cry? Burgundy. I bet she loved it.
Do you like soulj​a boy? Ew. Fuck no. I can't believe these children are considered hip-hop nowadays.
What do you think​ about​ Presi​dent Bush?​ He's probably one of the single most disgusting human beings on this planet and he deserves nothing short of a slow and painful death. Oh, and I certainly am glad he's not our President anymore!
When did you go to bed last night​ and why? Like 3 in the morning. I wanted to fall asleep earlier, but I got caught up in researching the Bible and the Phelps family history for a worthwhile reply to Margie Phelps comment to my LiveJournal. I pwned hard, I'd like to think.
What kind of mood are you in right​ now? I'm stressed out by how little time I have to write an entry and watch at least one movie if I want to get a decent amount of sleep tonight and be able to wake up tomorrow morning for Big Guys without feeling like a half-conscious zombie. It's also really warm in here, my stomach hurts because I have no food here except cake and tea, and I'm ridiculously horny.
How old were you when you moved​ where​ you live now? I've always lived in Schenectady. But I refuse to die here.
Where​ is the perso​n you want to kiss right​ now? They're everywhere. I want to kiss tons of people.
Do you belie​ve in love at first​ sight​?​ No. If it's at first sight, then it's nothing more than attraction and lust.
Fact about​ the perso​n you fell harde​st for? She broke my fucking heart into a million pieces and I will never recover.
Do you own an iPod?​ 80GB Classic Black!<3
Are you in highs​chool​?​ Pfft. No. 12th grade dropout and proud recipient of a GED diploma. Fuck your schooling.
Any television show addic​tions​? VH1 reality TV, police chase shows, and 'most shocking'/'caught on tape' shows.​
Does addic​tion of anyth​ing run in your famil​y?​ Alcoholism. But I don't really believe in hereditary addiction.
Were you born in the count​ry you live in today​?​ Unfortunately.
What kind of backp​ack/​purse​ do you use? A simple black bookbag I got from K*Mart a year or so ago.
When was the last time you wante​d to punch​ someo​ne in their​ face? I am in a perpetual rage of wanting to punch someone in the face.
Who did you hang out with last night? Myself, Olive, and the Internet.
How many hours​ did you sleep​ last night​? Six.
When was the last time you talke​d to your numbe​r two? Today, via phone.<3
Do you miss your past?​ I miss Burgundy, I miss March of 2007, fall/winter of 2004, and summer of 2002. Life always appears better in retrospect. You really don't know what you got until it's gone. Seriously.
What are you doing​ tonig​ht?​ This thing, a subsequent entry, downloading a few oldschool DMX albums, and then watching an indie film until I fall asleep.
Do you think​ your ex still​ likes​ you? She hates me, actually. Neither of us know why.
What'​s the last thing​ you put in your mouth​?​ A vegan Oreo cake that Kara made for my birthday!
Do you belie​ve ex's can be frien​ds?​ Very rarely, and after a lot of time has passed.
Did you ever lose a best frien​d? I never lost them. They just left. That's what best friends do. Hopefully, neither Trevor or Kara will do this.
What is wrong​ with you right​ now? Starving to death, really warm, dry mouth, and really in the mood for sex. Lame.
What are you liste​ning to? DMX's "It's Dark and Hell Is Hot".
Who was last to cook for you? Kara's mother made us cheeseless pizza with wheat dough! It was sooo good. That woman knows how to make crust.
Befor​e that?​ I fried up some vegan chicken tenders at Big Guys for myself.
Somet​hing you do a lot? Write. Words are my anti-drug.
Do you want to see someb​ody right​ now? Anyone being here with me would be pretty great right now, even if they were just sitting silently in the same room as me while I did this.
How'​s your day going​ so far? Today was just fine.
Do you find it in your heart​ to forgi​ve?​ Ugh. It depends on whether having the person in my life is more beneficial than not. I am just so numb to the way I'm treated by people I care about at this point, it's hard for me to even care enough to form a grudge.
Anyth​ing you'​re looki​ng forwa​rd to? This month is going to be awesome. This Friday, I go see Louis CK at The Egg with Tara. The next night, I see Samm's band's first show and get to hang out with him and Katt for a change. The 9th is my twenty-first birthday; my mom is making me a vegan cake and supposeduly got me a gift, and we're all going out to dinner somewhere of my choice. My dad's taking me to a strip club, too. The 11th, I find out if I'm getting evicted or not and hopefully get to make these two women look like morons. I'm going to see the remake of Friday the 13th with Tara and my little sister on opening night.
Did you ever waste too much time on a boy or girl? Every single time was a waste of time. I spent what were supposed to be the best, most promiscuous, most not-to-take-serious years of my life in over-emotion, long-term relationships with crazy girls who would leave me or change overnight. :(
Are you slowl​y drift​ing away from someo​ne? Who I used to be.
Are you waiti​ng for somet​hing?​ Spring, so I can be adventurous again.
Who has your heart​ at this momen​t? Burgundy, even though she doesn't want it. All metaphors aside, my ribcage has it.
Would​ you kiss an ugly perso​n for a thousand dollars? I'd kiss pretty much anything/anyone for a thousand dollars.
Who gave you the last high five?​ Russo. He said something awesome, I just forget what it was.
Do you belie​ve you'​ve alrea​dy met the love of your life?​ I don't really believe in there only being one 'love of your life'. That really simplifies what love is and what it's capable of and it just doesn't make sense in a life so full of people, beauty, and possibilities. The heart's a big thing; don't expect to have all of one person's heart all to yourself. As of right now, I loved Burgundy more than I've ever loved anyone else on this planet and in this lifetime, and probably will for a very long time.
What color​ was the last scarf​ you wore? I don't wear scarfs.
Funni​est prank​ you ever pulle​d on someo​ne?​ Using walkie-talkies, my first best friend and I talked a Latin King into meeting us at a pool hall right up the street from my old house to sell us drugs and weapons. When he got there, we yelled, "YOU JUST GOT PRANKED BY A COUPLE OF WHITEBOYS!" He then threatened to kill us for like three hours. I was in the 6th grade. It was funny then.
Have you ever been snowe​d in befor​e?​ No. I am NOT snow's bitch.
Ever exper​ience​d a torna​do?​ UGH. No, thankfully. I'm terrified of weather.
What song are you curre​ntly liste​ning to? "For My Dogs" by DMX.
Have you ever devel​oped your own photo​graph​s?​ No. I use digital.
Are you curre​ntly looki​ng for a job? Pfft. Life's too short to have a job or do anything you won't enjoy doing. I like helping out at Big Guys.
What insta​nt messe​nger do you use? AIM Middle Man.
Have you had probl​ems with your curre​nt car? No, but I've had problems with my current bike. So I retired it, finally, and plan on eventually getting a brand new bike before spring.
Do you know anyon​e who is lacto​se intol​erant​?​ I am. And so is the majority of this world, since ingesting other animals' milk is unnatural and our bodies don't naturally produce the proper enzymes required to digest it. This is a fact and one of the many reason I am vegan. Our bodies were not made to be consuming everything we can from every single animal on this planet. Lactose intolerance gets worse with age, too, in most humans. So, no, we won't 'evolve toward it'.
Who was the last perso​n to tell you they were jealo​us of you? Yoda. He never has anything nice to say, and is never happy for me... just jealously bitter.

Fuck, I'm tired and don't have many more hours to write in this thing. So this will be short. I've literally dedicated the last forty-eight hours to talking about, writing about, and researching into the Westboro Baptist Church and their schedule protest in Albany. I was up all night last night doing research on the Bible and the history of the Phelps family in order to properly reply and in turn pwn the shit out of Margie Phelps in response to her insane comment to me. I've been repeatedly posting bulletins and the response from everyone has been overwhelmingly positive. I have been given tons of great, peaceful ideas on how we should retaliate and I'm already very confident that we will outnumber them. I can't wait to see just how big this gets. Love ALWAYS beats hate. And I honestly hope this brings about a more objective analysis of God and the real words of the Christian Bible. Because if you take the Bible of the God you worship as a Christian at all literally, in any respect, then you're fully obligated to believe that God hates fags. I'm hoping that through this experience, some Christians finally see that, 1.) their God, even if real, isn't fit for worship, and/or 2.) this sorta hatred and war in the world wouldn't even exist if it weren't for religion, particularly the Western ones. Anyways. Perhaps I need to calm myself down a little, at least for a few days, and write a normal entry. All my anger has been channeled into action now.

Helpful information:
- The history and lineage of the five units of families that the WBC are comprised of. This was once a Wikipedia page, but wound up being deleted.
- Members of the WBC's phone numbers! Have fun. Please comment with anything you may have found out or done to these fucks. :)

Monday, I didn't do anything. I had my grandmother pick me up around noon after I woke up and went to Price Chopper to get a money order for my rent and deposited enough money to be able to pay my debt to Time Warner Cable. I got home, called Time Warner, and suddenly, after a week of hearing completely different words from another consultant, my box was, "too old to be used and I needed a new one." Conveniently for them, this meant that I would have to have a new box installed, which means more money for them. I was also no longer having my first month advance charge waived. Bravo, Time Warner, for getting as much money out of your customers as possible, you fucks! So I had to go down to their main building and wait in a line, holding my box under my arm for twenty minutes before getting up there and watching as they found excuse after excuse to charge me more and more money. My actual debt came to a little over $170. They somehow managed to get my charges all the way up to $275, though. I didn't have all of it in my bank account, since I only deposited what I thought I needed, so I paid the $170 debt and told them I'd pay the rest the day the guys came to reinstall my box, which will be this Friday, sometime between 8 and noon. Fucking bullshit. I was so mad. I hate Time Warner Cable. Because they are the only local provider of cable TV and whatnot, they really take advantage and charge their customers as much as they want to, since they know we have nowhere else to turn. It's horrible and I can't wait to one day live somewhere that allows me to get a satellite dish, so I can switch over to DirectTV and get ten times more for what I'm paying them right now. Criminals. When I got home, I was too frustrated to do anything else. So I spent the entire evening online. Right before I was about to watch porn and go to sleep, I was notified about the WBC's plan to protest here, and that sent me into two more hours of online blogging. My heart was racing uncontrollably and my adrenaline was rushing at light speed. I hadn't been so full of rage in months and months.

Tuesday, I did Big Guys from 10-3. We're gradually getting busier and busier earlier and earlier. But Russo really needs to calm down on his ego. Pizza is his life. Like, outside of pot and living with his parents, pizza is the only thing he knows and enjoys. So owning Big Guys is a dream come true for him. I get it. He had been working at this place through all its past owners and he's finally the boss. It must be awesome for him, I understand. But I'm helping them out and he should appreciate it. Instead, he complains about every move I make. I've taken lessons from both him and Brandon, so I try to integrate the two's practices into how I do things. And I get shit done. And I get it done very well, I'd like to think. But I guess unless he's done it, it's just not good enough. I didn't roll enough sticks of celery in the cellophane, I didn't make the crust thin enough, I either put too much or too little mozzarella on the dough, I said the wrong thing too loud while a customer was there, I asked a question that I was supposed to know the answer to even though no one has ever told me about it. It doesn't end and he's getting cockier and ruder every day. I'm reaching wit's end with him. Brandon's the only one who makes being there with Russo a little more bearable. I honestly love that fucking kid. Still no vegan cheese, which sucks since it's been two weeks and counting by now, but we have vegan chicken tenders that totally rule for the time being. The guy who comes in from Sysco and runs our orders for food delivery talked to me for two hours the other day about progressive music. It was pretty cool. It reminded me that everyone has something in common with everyone. People are sorta cool, sometimes. I'm still off soda, even when tempted with a Pepsi that Brandon brought me not knowing I had quit. I've been surviving mostly off of AriZona Sweet Tea and Nantucket Nectars 100% orange juice and apple juice. No sugar added, yay! When I got out of there, I came home and sat online, waiting for Kara's phone call. She got a hold of me after I spent an hour or so responding the plethora of feedback I had gotten in regards to my plans and pleas for a counter-protest against the WBC when they come here. I was supposed to finally go to her house and technically meet her parents for the first time.

So she came and got me around 5 with her father, who is a totally hilarious hippie with a ponytail and beard who says totally random things and talks like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. I love him. He's an adorable dad. Despite our fears, he never once interrogated me. I just went to her house all the way out in Altamont, which is big and creepy, and sat with her in her bedroom, that is a big open space. Everything is nearly packed in a box of some sort, so it looks like she's just moved in or is about to move out. She looked REALLY cute and I told myself she got super-cute just for me, even though I'm pretty sure she isn't vain enough to even know how to look cute on purpose. She made me this amazing vegan Oreo cake. Her mom made us cheeseless pizza on homemade wheat dough that was amazing and we sat on the floor, feeding her lovely bunny Boo a carrot. Watching her hop and stand up, and chew was breathtaking for me. Then I exchanged a potentially dangerous amount of love with her mutt Toby, who obviously fell in love with me right away because I really know how to touch a dog's butt the right way. I never get to hang out with dogs, so it was pretty cool. We went downstairs and watched a few episodes of The Awful Truth with her dad, who sat in the back and said crazy things or laughed hysterically. Her mom remained hidden for the entire evening that I was there. Her mom looks like Kathy Bates from Misery, so I'm a little scared of her. I felt like I was in the 9th grade again. Even though we were allowed to be in her bedroom without constant interruption, we had to hold hands behind her parents' back and stuff. I totally love this girl, more and more every time I see her. They took me back home a little after 9 and I spent the entire night researching the Bible and the Phelps history so I could accurately and ruthlessly demolish Margie Phelps in my retort to her totally crazy reply to my journal entry. I talked on the phone with Trevor for an hour almost. I guess P33t doesn't want to make iamerror music anymore and is essentially totally fucking Trevor over, who moved there specifically to make music with him. So Trevor's coming back in three months. I feel really bad for Trevor, because he took a risk and it fucked him hard. But I'm at the same time ecstatic that he's coming home. I watched some awesome porn and went to sleep by 3 in the morning.

Today, I thought it was Thursday and was literally heartbroken when I discovered that it wasn't. I was at Big Guys from 10-3, as usual. It was fucking freezing and I had to spend the first hour there in the front, where there's no heat whatsoever, and load in cold bottles of soda into the machines. Russo talked more shit to me, as usual, and I'm just firing back more, I guess, to at least make me feel better about it. I yelled at people for throwing recyclables away. I don't know how many times I have to tell them before it processes. I was kept busy all day, which I enjoy immensely, believe it or not. When I left, I came home and again spent a good amount of time responding to the overwhelming support of my plans to counter-protest the WBC in March. It looks as though I'll have a REALLY huge group backing my cause, even some political groups traveling from Syracuse for it. I finished up my response to Margie Phelps, which took four comments in total since I kept breaking the character limit. I called Tara and asked if she wanted to come over. A little after 5, she did. She's really sick, so we just laid down, had sex, and eventually fell asleep together. When she gets warm, her freckles get darker. She left a few minutes after 8 and told me to stay asleep, so I did. Kara called and I talked to her for a minute, then passed back out until almost 11. It was pretty good. I'm really tired right now, but wanna watch one of my Netflix movies, so I'm probably going to attempt that before I fall back asleep.

This week in my Truth Box, I received two ridiculous comments. The first one said, "you should really get over you self pity bullshit, it would be alot easier to see how smart and generally right you are about things if you werent moping around being pathetic waste of space ranting about how everyone else sucks." I'm really sick of the same advice being given to me by anonymous idiots who don't know what they're talking about. What is this talk of me being full of self-pity? I admit it's there, because I'm self-aware and honest, but it's only a fraction of who I am and the words I write, so why does it somehow overshadow the stuff I'm, "generally right," about and how smart I am? Oh, well. The other one said, "You do lie. everyone does. You dont buy local. and you are a part of your government, you are not free as long as the money you are using comes from the government." I'm really tired of people telling me what I do. Like, honestly. How do they manage the confidence to outright tell someone what they buy and what they do? First off, I really don't ever lie. Seriously, I don't. Most people do, but I do not. So fuck you. Secondly, I do buy local, as often as I can. It's very important that people do and I hope to eventually dedicate myself to the 100-mile diet in order to fully reduce my carbon footprint to something more reasonable than 1.8 Earths. Thirdly, I'm part of the government as long as I live here in this country, where I'm forced to be included in the citizenship and am owned by the plutocratic, capitalist republic we live in. I can't afford to leave here. But I am not part of the government, I'm merely a victim of it. Me receiving disability checks has nothing to do with anything, nor does it invalidate my politics, dumb-ass. Get over it already. I get disability checks that help me afford basic living needs. Fuck, EVERYONE IN AMERICA SHOULD. I don't believe anyone should have to pay for basic necessities like electricity, heat, water, and food. Especially living in the self-proclaimed freest and richest country in the world. I'm sorry I get handouts that you don't, but there's no reason to direct your hostility at me for it. You should instead be an active opposition to the way things are run in this country. For example, REFUSE TO PAY INCOME TAX. Ya know, do something that requires balls, instead of just anonymously criticizing a kid over the Internet because he receives a disability check that you would gladly accept if put in my situation as a child, too! Fuck.

Some anti-WBC lols.


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tara, protest, life, big guys pizzeria, kara, another stupid meme, atheism, social security

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