YO. Screencaps zipped neatly at the end. This covers approximately the first third of 4x25; other two thirds coming soon. THERE ARE OBVIOUSLY SPOILERS.
The Critic in the Cabernet Recap/Picspam, Part 1/3
Dead body in a barrel of Cabernet, finger in a wine glass, shock and horror, etc etc.
Meanwhile, at the FBI...
Dr. Lance Sweets, henceforth referred to as Quack-Quack (it is necessary to imagine the Aflac duck every time this pseudonym is mentioned; failure to do so results in diminished fun and communistic tendencies and we don't like communists too much 'round these parts), attempts to convince the two Bs to play a game of word association with him because he's lonely and wants one of them to accidentally say boobies (or so I assume). Brennan's brain is too big for Quack-Quack's game. Booth suggests some alcohol and a shot of testosterone for Quack-Quack.
Eventually, they decide to humor him. Attempt number one results in some epic failure:
K, let's try again. Attempt number two results in some epic success:
... come again?
YES YOU, MR. FB EYE CANDY. LUV U 2 BITS, but your emotional hangover has only begun, my friend. Only begun.
I see what you did there. Well played, Sir. This trooper fully approves. Next, more human remains in bubbly purple goo. The bones are, in the words of Booth, like a rubber purple Smurf. They're not. What they are is really, really gross. But I digress.
Back at the Jeffersonian, the squints are digging through the pile of goop when Brennan announces she's having a baby. Reactions are comically similar.
Angela attempts to talk some sense into Brennan, but her time would've been better served talking some sense into a cement wall. But we love our Brennan/Angela time, so let's make a big peace circle and hold hands. Or whatever.
Angela, knowing that there's something deeper but failing to convince Brennan, asks why she's choosing Booth instead of anyone else to be her sperm donor. Fisher, earlier, had expressed interest in donating.
Feels that way sometimes, don't it, Miss Pretty Bones? But no giving up. Super!Booth to the rescue! But first, a little confrontational!Cam. Cam's known Booth longer than anybody else they work with, which gives her insight into his character. It's awesome.
You tell him, Cam! With the information Cam provided (anybody still following the case?), Booth and Brennan set off to pay the wife of the deceased a visit. In the car, Booth tries to approach the idea of him playing a part in the child's life, but Brennan misunderstands it as skepticism in her maternal abilities.
They agree to have the baby, and Brennan (silly girl) convinces Booth there's no obligation on his part in this little agreement of theirs. There's a cute baby at their destination, which is completely irrelevant except that Brennan's baby talk is ACE.
My ovaries hurt.
With that, the first picspam comes to a close. Two others to follow, covering the final two thirds of this episode.
Part 2 is up Screencaps:
yousendit or
megaupload (.zip, 15.07 MB)
Note: 67 total. These are the actual caps without any text. All images are 624 x 352 PNGs. I apologize for the ugly filenames; they amused me and I'm too lazy to change them. Comments are nice but unnecessary.
ALSO! If anyone came here from
206_bones (or anywhere really) and wants more friends, add me! I only very recently decided to get back into the swing of things so needless to say, my fpage is kinda sad and lonely. I'm a 20-year-old college student, if that matters. Yup.