Jun 26, 2002 09:36

My friends...sleep ROCKS! For once in an extremely long time I have gotten just the right amount of sleep (between 7 and 8 hours). I have either gotten too little sleep (5.5 average) or too much sleep (9 or 10 on a weekend).

So this was my morning...well let me explain it like takes 15 minutes to get me to work on a good day...half that for this morning. Awake and aware I drove faster, smarter, and with a whole lot more fun.

Some may argue that would be argument back...better to drive with passion on a full mind than drone on mindlessly (Did I run over a small child 10 minutes ago?). YES I KNOW...I COULD BE SAFER. Could, should, would...but NAH! Everybody should know by now that I have an immortality complex.

Life is for the living. The get out and go. The motivated. The passionate. The experience. The rush. The high. And of course...the well rested.

Life is for me to eat up.

Speaking of eating...this may shock you...James has been eating correctly as of late!!! Looking at myself I think it may be showing a bit (Lyle, don't comment, we both know you look good). Personally, I am just dreading on packing back on the pounds I lost last semester due to depression (normal people usually gain weight during depression).

Current motivation for eating right...I just can't wait to see my sexy doctor, with her sexy accent, and the way she offers to check me for testicular cancer! God it rocks to be me. Only I can have a nice, caring, concerned, intelligent, and sexy doctor who offers to touch my genitals every time I see her.

Okay right now I just added morning perkiness with coffee....damn! I had better stop talking or I'll get into trouble (and talk more about a cold doctor's hand in a very warm place).

Thanks for last night Annaliese!
Thanks for the night before Amy!
Thanks for the constant love and support Roni, Erin, Kevin, and Lyle!
Thanks for (insert recent deed of love) (insert your name)!
Thanks for everything God!

Finally, thank you coffee.
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