this thursday should be declared a holiday

Jan 20, 2005 11:24

So the day started off seeming like it would be pretty bad. I felt like crap when I woke up and i didn't get a good parking space when i got to school this morning. But after that the bad day ended quick. But before i continue this story, recognize all this excitement is over something that wouldn't seem that special to a lot of people, but for me it was cool as polar bear shit. I'll start by giving some background. I wear the cowboy hat now, most of you who know me saw it. Well, last semester one day when I was walking to class I hear this girl say "I really want to talk to him" to her friend as I walked by. I figured I might have misheared her. A couple days later i'm walking past again and she says to me all of a sudden "Would you like to go out with me?" I, after getting over my shock make a witty reply, figuring she's joking. We make introductions and she confirms she wanted to talk to me for a couple of weeks now. We chatted a little and we went our seperate classes. Her name is Rachel. And she is pretty cute, and tall. Shorter black hair. God, it just now occured to me I have longer hair that she does. So a week or so later I am coming out of one of my classes and she's there, so we walk together to class and talk. I actually got the courage to get her number even. So far so good. Well, a couple weeks go by, and then one day i'm walking to class and I see her and i'm about to go up and talk to her when I see she's with some guy. Then I see them kiss goodbye. There went my hopes. Semester ends and I never called her and figure i'll prolly never see her around next semester. Fast forward to this semester. I go to my first tuesday-thursday class of the semester and who do I see in the same class as me? You guessed it, Rachel. After class, I say hi and we talk about x-mas break. Nothing much. Thursday we see each other before class, talk, and I sit in the back of class next to her and we chat during class. She tells me all about her pet skunk (yea, I know right?) and she mentions offhandedly about her boyfriend. So I'm not getting my hopes up obviously, but she's cool and fun to talk to. Which brings us to this morning.

Lets take a break for a second.........

I needed that, how about you? Alright, lets continue...

So I see her outside before class as expected, but she's talking with someone so I waved, she waved back in this cute way, and I head up to class without her. She comes up a few minutes later, and sits down next to me. Standard good morning complaints about the cold weather and all. Then she says "You wanna come outside and play with me?" Meaning go out on the third floors open balcony and keep her company while she smokes. So of course I say sure. We sit outside onthe balcony and talk for 7 minutes or so, she's telling me more about her pet and she says "You'll have to come by and meet her sometime"......hmmm, sounds like a convenient excuse to me. But i'm still trying not to read into it. So we go back into class and someone has taken my seat next to her. She makes some joke about how my seat was stolen. The seat on the other side of her i figured was for her friend i'd seen there before. So I sit in the next chair over, next to this other girl. Rachel looks over at me and gestures I should take the other seat next to her. Alright, this seems too good to be true, especially since today is also the day when we choose partners for the semester. So class starts and the prof tells us to choose partners, and most pair up with the people sitting next to them. Rachel turns to me and says in this kid voice "Would you like to be my partner" and we laugh and its obviously rhetorical. So we start practicing on the scenario and we are having all sorts of fun making jokes whiles we're doing this. Then two other things happened in what I can only describe as a blur in my memory. She leans against me and lays her head on my shoulder while laughing at one point. Wow that caught me by surprise. Then after the prof makes a joke about my cowboy hat again, she tells me she tihnks the hat is sexy. SEXY! i know this has got to sound immature, but its been 2 years so it blew me away. I tell ya, having this one girl tell me she that makes any jokes I've suffered through wearing it worth it. So I was having a really great time with her in class. Class got out early so I walked with her to her car and then we went out seperate ways cuz I had another class to go to. But if you couldn't guess already this this has made my week, it fuckin has. I guess I'll see where this matter what happens this has been a hell of a confidence boost. And I am sure looking forward to my tuesday-thursday class at 815 the rest of this semester.

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