A Bright Future...

Jun 27, 2004 02:02

Earlier tonight Mike, Liz, and I were watching Lost in Translation with Bill Murray. Seeing his character in the bar night after night made me worry about what will happen to me when I turn 21. Fear that I will end up like that character, sitting alone at the bar every night. I wasn't an alcoholic when I decided to quit drinking. But I was getting close. And quittings a lot easier when you can't buy the booze yourself, can't just go down to the local bar. But what will happen when I turn 21. Just thinking about it brought up the strange urge to drink. And for what? I know drinking only makes me depressed. Will I end up that lonely drinker at the end of the bar? Killing myself one shot at a time? With the way my life is when I am down in Daytona, it is a dark possibility. I guess in little more than 7 months I will find out.

In other news: the movie itself was alright, better than I expected I think. Liz, thank you...you know why. Nate, I know you won't even be reading this but thank you for being you, and I look forward to hanging out with you again this week. You are an island unto yourself, and you make a great vacation spot. Faulkner, good luck.
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