Welcome to ZEROcaster!
We are a sub team focusing on subbing News ZERO.
For more information, please view our profile
here and our rules posts
We are right now an open community, so please join us to see our subs. We are following an 'innocent until proven guilty' model for now, so unless we find that our members have been abusing the leeway we have given them, this community will remain open to join.
Please make sure to join the community
here to see all our releases.
As a community focused on the news, we have discussion posts corresponding to each subbed News Zero. We would like to encourage discussion as much as possible. Some topics are controversial, and we welcome all debate and expression of opinions. Just keep it reasonable. We enjoy the liberty to be able to speak our minds, but please refrain from being inappropriate.
We also would like to remind you to abide by our rules so that we can continue to share.
Thanks and enjoy!
-ZEROcaster team