Last year I didn't even bother but this time I'll post my very personal ESC results again.
(The number in brackets is the actual result of course)
1 (8) Greece: OPA! I loved that shit. Exploding drums and all.
2 (3) Romania: A very nice song and not overperformed (too much).
3 (15) Albania: Really loved this. Don't know why, but right up my alley.
4 (5) Azerbaijan: From all the single ladies with gymnasts acts, this was the best one.
5 (21) Moldova: Liked the song and retro feeling of the show. But obviously this wasn't the year for something like that.
6 (11) Russia: Okay, I always like the Russian entries (except for when they actually won two years ago, of course), so it's probably not surprising that I was a sucker for this too. The flanell and pathos, the snow, the non-photograph. Awesome.
7 (4) Denmark: Oh, well. I think we all were a bit afraid after the first votes coming in, that this could actually work again for the sevenbillionth time. It kind of did anyway.
8 (1) Germany: I just don't get it, I'm afraid. (Sis and me looked at each other in utter disbelief "have we really become that old? "during the vote-count). It's an okay song, but a winner? A winner? Seriously? Lena is a cutie, sure. But that this translates into a win is still a puzzle to me.
9 (6) Belgium: Like Lena wins the cutie contest, just in the boys with instrument category.
10 (20) Norway: Didn't think it was that bad. Yeah, he was a bit nervous but I kinda liked it.
11 (13) Serbia: Sounds like fun times to me (you hear that UK?).
12 (15) Spain: That poor boys. Stupid streaker is stupid. Liked its uniquness for this year.
13 (7) Armenia: Yeah, yeah, your apricots are very perky. *eyesroll*
14 (12) France: Oh, it's aerobic hour already? Football World Cup here we come!
15 (14) Israel: Started out very good to my ears but was a bit overdone in the end.
16 (2) Turkey: Good song, but has no place at the ESC imho. Why, yes, I'm an grumpy old lady that wishes you to get of her lawn, thxbai.
17 (19) Iceland: Somewhat interchangeable with Ireland and any ESC ballad ever, hence only in the last third of the field. Totally unflattering costumes for bigger ladies don't help either I'm afraid.
18 (23) Ireland: Too predictable and also see Iceland.
19 (25) UK: The UKs problem the last years is they either try to hard (like with this) or not at all. Well that and no nose for trends, I guess.
20 (18) Portugal: The most forgettable from the ladies with gymnasts category.
21 (21) Cyprus: The most forgettable from the boys with intruments category.
22 (24) Belarus: WTF? The song isn't even that bad if cheesy, but gitter-dresses, butterfly hair (and holy shit did that take me a while for figuring out), butterfly voices, and butterfly WINGS? Seriously WTF?
23 (9) Georgia: Didn't like it at all.
24 (10) Ukraine: Yeah, no. Not my thing, sorry.
25 (17) Bosnia and Herzigovina: Don't even want to remember it.