Pairings: Dana/Johnny, Sarah/Walt, Johnny/Dana/Sarah/Walt
Rating, Genre: NC17, PWP
Words: ~5000
Summary: Four people at a party. They mope. They fuck. The end.
(And it could have been five if Bruce wasn't such a wuss.)
Warnings: Seems harmless but turns into utter crackfic around the middle.
A/N: I'm sorry. I couldn't manage anything plotty, so you'll have to live with the bad foursome porn. There are a bunch of insinuations in this, that probably won't make much sense if you haven't seen the Episode "Dinner with Dana", the fic title not being the least of it.
Written for the DZ Photo Challenge.
Many thanks to
xanthophyllippa for helping me to polish this baby up properly.
All remaining mistakes are mine.
Assigned Photos:
(to the ficmobile)