hell in a hand cart...

Dec 30, 2004 16:24

*swears blisteringly*

I went to Kinokuniya in an effort (a futile effort) to get the second copy of TB, damn, it's an addiction... BUT, BUT, they didn't have it.

Now the funny part? I ran into CAIN. Cain, Rosenkreuz Cain, CAIN, white hair, you know, the works, stuff? Yes, I RAN INTO CAIN. *dies of laughter*

I don't know what to do, laugh or to do something stupid. So I did neither, muttered "Cain" under my breath and left, grabbed an AS book before I left.

I was thinking of saying: "Say hi to Rosenkreuz for me, Cain." or "Say hi to your little klutz of a brother (referring to Abel) for me." or SOMETHING, but one half of my brain was laughing SO hard that I couldn't find a suitable phrase to say. I mean, one half's laughing at the fact that CAIN works in Kinokuniya, the other half's going: "Aw, why don't they have the manga?" and swearing blisteringly...

Like I said, complete, utterly hillarious. I now need to get an image of Cain in a bookstore apron and stuff out of my head... Damn, he's on my desktop. A pic of Cain on my desktop combined with earlier image? Not good.
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