Age: 12. Or roughly. They're about the same age as Ritsuka, so we're saying twelve. |D
Height: Taller than Ritsuka, about the same or slightly taller than Natsuo, shorter than Soubi
Weight: Light? Yun's characters are all way thin Light.
Medical Info: Cannot feel pain or temperature. But there's pressure, can taste sweetness (so other stuff too, probably). Just can't tell when they should be cold or hot or if they're injured. Natsuo did a write up of it
here. Eyes: Light brown in manga, magenta-ish brown in anime
Hair: grey with slight green tint in manga, aquamarine in anime
Physical traits: Thin, straight hair, cat ears and tail PLUS human ears. Yes, this means I have four ears. And can hear out of all four too! :Db
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Pretty much anything. He has a few emo buttons, namely his being at camp before (which he doesn't remember), Nagisa, and losing battles (especially the one to the other ZERO team), but he's rather open. (Doesn't mean he trusts you, but he'll talk to/at you.) He'll talk about almost anything if asked the right way or asked when he's in the right mood, because there's nothing really he has to hide. The only time he'll flat out refuse to talk is if he thinks someone's challenging his "authority" as Sacrifice of the team, or if what the other person wants to talk about is something that will potentially harm Natsuo or ZERO.
Abilities: Very, very good strategist and can use 'magic'. Also, can do basic fighting and usage of weapons. Natsuo's better at both. Ikkaku's teaching them how to fight with a swordk but they're not that great, and Ken's teaching them basic hand-to-hand self-defense. Francescu's training/going to train them on using their magic in non-offensive ways (and offensive magic as a bribe).
Notes for the Psychics: Youji's half of the battle system ZERO, so...psychics may be able to sense that? He's the only Sacrifice we've seen that's been able to cast spells; Natsuo and I guessed that's because of how similar he and Natsuo are but in all reality, Yun sucks at continuity so I...don't know. I just accept what I'm given, yus.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Trying to hurt him is fine! Just let me know in advance, and be warned that Natsuo and Youji may go after you for revenge if you succeed. Simple stuff like pulling on a ear/tail, or patting, or just contact serious intent to harm is fine too. Though Youji may try to bite you or kick you in the shin. Violent little catboy go. |D Bodyswapping is a bit more iffy... That would need to be considered more carefully because bodyswapping essentially makes the person in Youji's body Natsuo's partner and leaves Youji without his name. EMO and ANGST and DRAMA would ensue. Also, attempt(s) at murder once you switch back.
Maim/Murder/Death: I'm gonig to say no because Youji doesn't save and killing him would be bad ;; Also, daddies would (to quote Fran) "kill the shit out of anyone who hurt you. :D"
Cooking: Doubt it. These two have absolutely no survival skills at all.
A note on the way they view the world
here. Natsuo wrote this some time ago, and there are some things that have changed, but it still makes a lot of sense. It's also Natsuo's view on Natsuo, but I think a lot of it also applies to Youji. ....I'll do a write up for Youji sometime, promise.