Dec 25, 2008 01:51
First christmas I've ever not been an emotional wreck. I'm feeling quite normal in fact, whee. Admittedly I'm a tad drunk , ut that is irrelevant. shit is going pretty well. I mean, normal stuff aside. I've been using That site pisses me off. You see somebody and you fucking know you'd get along well but they never respond to your message. meh, whatever. I'll just meet people in person. The chances of me ever meeting someone that matches my criteria is slim, but not impossible. Plan is to keep exercising and working on my me issues. I think I'm over most of them. I know the kind of person I am and it's not a bad kind. It's a fucking AMAZING kind, bitches. All the trials and tribulations of my life may have caused me an insurmountable amount of pain and the like, but in the end, they've shaped who I am. A truly strong person overcomes whatever obstacles get thrown at them, and that's what I've been doing all along. Built my character, no regrets from the past. I'm the man I am today because of the things I've experienced, and while I've not always done the best thing, I've always done what felt right. I have good morals and I let them guide me.
I have no point anymore. I'm teetering between buzzed and drunk. I like me, if you don't fuck you that's my point.
The dance of despair in the sublime abyss exists no longer.
Oh yeah, sweet ass concert coming up. Sepultura, Cradle of Filth, and Satyricon in concert. Fuck YEAH! First time Satyricon has come to america.