Spy Coins and peas!

May 07, 2007 08:33

Someone's put some Spy coins in my damn sock drawer!  In fact, there's a few sitting in the jar on my desk.

Just about 6 mths ago there were claims of Canadian Spy Coins:   "Whoever did this obviously has access to some pretty advanced technology."    oookay.  I remember laughing pretty hard then.

Now it just gets funnier when they finally figure it out:  it's that darned Poppy Coin!
"the worried contractors described the coins as "anomalous" and "filled with something man-made that looked like nano-technology," according to once-classified U.S. government reports..."

""It did not appear to be electronic (analog) in nature or have a power source," wrote one U.S. contractor, who discovered the coin in the cup holder of a rental car. "Under high power microscope, it appeared to be complex consisting of several layers of clear, but different material, with a wire like mesh suspended on top."

I'm betting it was those people over at Tim Hortons! 

so, almost 10 days ago we bought some planter boxes and put them out on our deck.  The next door neighbour built a deck beside ours and put up a bit of a privacy lattice between them - still since it is no where near being private - we decided to put plant some peas.  Almost every one came up in 7 days... and I figure in about 3 weeks or so there's going to be a fair amount of green... and sometime this summer we'll have PEAS!  Madly enough almost all of them grew as well.... so we have about 16 plants... and another batch that should sprout in a week.  Its been years and a few decades since i've had peas fresh off the vine.  I remember picking them in my grandmother's garden.  I hope these will be as sweet.

So.. first it was the planter boxes.  Then there was nothing else to do but take some of our pots and get some flower seeds going.  And some herbs:  parsley, sage, oregano and basil.   We also are trying some poppies and some Bachelor Buttons (cornflowers) cause they sound rather pretty and easy.

Suddenly our deck has gone from looking okay to becoming a haven.   I want to sit out there with my little NEC and drink margaritas with the Bad.  Its so inspirational I think once i've recovered from this Cold-from-Hell  I might start getting up an hour earlier and drinking coffee out there.  oh what plans!
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