Apr 20, 2009 22:28
I have finally finished rating all of the songs on my computer. All 3827 of them. Which was a rather long task, I must say, but I should be able to stay fairly current at this point.
Given that I'm done that particular, I'm going through and listening to a bunch of songs that I haven't heard in at least 6 mos, which means a bundle of the instrumental songs are popping up, including TV Theme songs. As I was listening to the Buck Rogers theme, I realized that the age of the theme song seems to be winding to a close. Most new shows these days don't have much in the way of opening credits, just a quick title card, maybe a bar or two of jingle and that's it. Watching the Muppet Show after coming home from work, it's something I think I'm rather going to miss.
100 odd