Title: Never Coming Home
Author: Me
Pairing: Gerard/Mikey
Rating: Pg-13 - NC-17
Summary: "My name's Michael Way. I come from a wealthy family. People say I'm well spoken, beautifully mannered, and a scholar. What they don't know is that I'm having improper relations with my older brother, but none of this matters... Not any more..."
Disclaimer: 1, 2, better not sue! Lol. These gorgeous guys would never be mine!
Warnings: Waycest, death, slash (considering this site, I should think so!)
A/N: Mikey's POV, brought about by the Gee/Mikey affection in the new Ghost of You video, set in that time period. My second fic brought on by that video...
Also, excuse the enormous summary, but it was the perfect thing to describe this fic.
Chapter 1: A Not so Formal AffairChapter 2: Forbidden PleasuresChapter 3: Doubts and DutyChapter 4: Play It Like You Mean ItChapter 5: One Last TimeChapter 6: At The End of The World