retroism and I watched "Nana" last night, and it was bloody brilliant. Such a sweet story, really well acted.
I really can't say I disliked anything about the movie at all, I'll be watching it again as soon as I've finished "Long Vacation" and the next episode of Kisarazu Cat's Eye XD
What I'm trying to say is it'd be cool to see you sometime!!
This is just a random comment as I don't know anything about Nana... oops.
If it is I may well join you randomly! if that's okay and if I'm not a crasher at all.
Just be nice to catch up and talk about random shite :)
I got a new telamaphone number: 07737936706 ^___^
Textizzle me or summat when you know if you can make it, it'd be awesomeness to see you!
I've got some Jagermeister that needs to be drunk, I should bring that!
I'll totally text you nearer to the time, it'd be great to catch up and get wasted. I'll buy you a freaking awesome drink!
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