Oct 31, 2005 23:42
Today I went a bit mental with my money.
I've already ordered a few movies from yesasia (i'm on a big Takeshi Kaneshiro kick at the moment, so I ordered Lavender, Turn Left Turn Right and School Days along with a couple of movies I've needed for a while) and today I got the Special Edition of KUNG FU HUSTLE with (get this) AN INFLATABLE AXE among other silly little extras and a sexy box.
I also appear to have come home with Bujingai, because I would be a poor Gackt fangirl if I didn't have a videogame where he was the basis for the main character.
Or something.
I got "Colourful" on DVD. PERVY ANIME AHOY!
So yeah, totally forgot about having to buy myself food this month, really hoping I've left myself with enough to pay the council tax XD
I qualified for the Adult Learning Grant, so the government are going to start giving me £30 a week to feed my DVD habit buy food.