So there seems to be this nice site where you can get your writing analyzed and compared to a famous writer. I admit I had much fun getting my fanfictions analyzed, but it also made me wish there was something like that for German authors or writing to see who my original fictions compares to. But anyway, my result....wasn't clear for all my Doctor Who fanfics. It varied from Poe to Joyce to Nabokov (and I am not quite sure how I feel about the last one, remembering that Lolita was wonderfully written but disturbing). However all my Psychonauts fanfics got the same result which actually made me laugh. Apparently I write like:
I write like
Leo TolstoyI Write Like by Mémoires,
Mac journal software.
Analyze your writing! On another note: My brain seems to be fried and still slowly boiling. The weather is too damn hot, I can't think, I can't concentrate (which means I can't write or read or do anything that might be considered productive) and I want to hide in the basement; but my Dad is occupying that so I have to slowly cook in my room under the roof. At this point I want to kick something, but that would mean to move....yeah, not doing that. I might go swimming, but they cut down all the trees around the new swimming pool in my city and no way in hell (which might not be that much warmer) am I going to be in the sun all the time. But despite all that and my bitching (which I needed to do) I am fine^^. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Phew! Now to get some ice cream! And perhaps stealing my Dad's laptop to play more Sims 3 and switching this one off before it dies from over heating...again.