(no subject)

Apr 11, 2008 04:43

I don't understand why it's so hard to appreciate what we have. It's important to want more and better for yourself and the world, that's the basis of progress, but sometimes an obsession with improvement blinds you to the good things right in front of you. These revolutionary people are such little bitches. Yes, live in America where you have endless oppurtunities, money, facilities, education and amusements, but bitch about what a terrible country this is. Cry about the taxes that build roads and public welfare systems. Complain about how the government is ruining our lives while you buy and sell drugs, mistreat and use other people and live carelessly.

It's frustrating when people are more comfortable worrying about all the negatives than appreciating the positives. Nothing is, or ever will be, perfect so, why waste your time crying about it?

It's important to be sensitive to injustice and to know the difference between good/evil, right/wrong, but what's the use if you're going to be overcome by it. Knowledge is a muscle that should be limber and useful, not just big and stocky. Personally, I'm happy and even though I know things could be a lot better, I know that the responsibility to make it better falls on me. Maybe people really are just products of biology, because I just don't understand how we can perceive things so differently. Also, I think it's a bad idea when parents let children raise themselves. That usually doesn't work out too well.
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