longest saturday ever

Oct 31, 2005 12:33

ok, so saturday was completely out the window. my day started at 7:20 in the morning. i got up, collected everything that i needed and left for the bus for the regional meet. the bus didn't show up till 8:15, and we were literally about to all just drive out there cause we thought that it wasn't coming. it was a realitively uneventful ride there. the meet started off freezing, but got warmer as the day went on. the girls didn't make it to states as a team and none of them qualified for it. i feel bad for them because of all the hard work that they've done and they didn't make it. ryan was pissed that he didn't make it, but i'm not surprised that he didn't. he has been running the way he should be in order to have gone.

so i get home, shower, and chill for a bit. i'm supposed to leave for jens house at 7:45, so i get my self all swanked out (btw, swank was the term amy used for how i was dressed) with my straight hair, black pants, dress shoes, black shirt, and white strech tee. lemme tell you, i felt pretty swank. so, after a bit of driving around looking for her house, i get there right when amy, pete and amanda get there. we all leave from there, pick up tim, and its off to downtown detroit. we had no trouble getting into the tunnel, and none getting into canada. from there we drove around for half an hour in a parking garage trying to find free parking, which didn't work out so well. eventually we just parked in the middle of downtown windsor. amy couldn't park her car for the life of her, so i did. mad parking skills right here.

so, throughout the night, we hit five bars/clubs. we didn't have to pay cover at any of them, which was freaking sweet. i got free drinks at bentleys because i was the dd, and you can't complain about free drinks. i danced with amanda and amy, and the guy at woodys bitched at me cause amy pulled me up with her on the little center stand at woodys and the guy was all like, "hey man, you can't be up there, its girls only". yeah well bitch if the girl is gonna pull me fucking up there with her theres not much i'm gonna do about it.

so, after a nice night of partying, we left. i drove jens car, and amy drove hers. no problems getting back into detroit. express way driving was nice cause there was no one on it. i'm pretty sure i was the last on to get home that night. because i think all amy had to do was drop of pete and amanda then go home herself. i took jill, tim, elizabeth home, then went to jens house to drop off her and her car, then got in mine and headed home. i don't think i got home until sometime after 3, which was like 4 but day light savings time kicked it back an hour. i changed, hit the bed, and i was out like a light with the ringing in my ears from all the loud music.

..........i so want to do it again, but not for a little while. :P

"....i'm the one who will always be there, but you'll never know unless i wanted you too...."
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