Why is there war???

Jun 12, 2005 20:33

from the first day man have been alive an evil shadow has scorched him making him do thing which today you would think are inhumane. These acts of evil is not the devil at work it is the selfproppeled anger of man and woman at work. These act are anger, saddness and a lot of other unknown feeling can end up making you fight and even kill, but over maney year we have changed and got used to theses feeling and only using them to get higher up in the food chane and life. We have kill and always will to get what we want but never for what we need.

All you have to do is take a look at most of the wars which have happend in histroy. Mans is the biggest mistake ever to hit earth, put in place by the animals and ground around us we slow took over and from that day we have mistreated the world shaping it in the only way we know how. Yes thats wright selfdistruction. The maddest thing is that we could have stop the unknown clock of death or slowed it down about 50 years ago. The lazy mans world is an unknown greed hole where you have to fight to ern your placein the top.
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