a thousand bucks a unit...

Jun 17, 2006 01:05

Probably the most annoying thing about having to enroll in a petitioned class is the fact that you have to pay a premium for it just cause its not on the regular list of offered subjects, as compared to those ones that are. I mean come on. 3000 bucks for a 3 unit class? Who the hell are they kidding here!?

Case and point: If you can take a subject in a semester and you don't know if it'll still be around the next, better take it. You'll save on money and the grief your parents'll give you for spending all that money.

Fortunately for me I know almost every single person in that class, if not by name then by sight. That's the great thing about being an irregular student, you know everybody. Hopefully by next semester we can get more people to sign up for the class so we can get some of our money back.

But then again situations often tend to turn around and kick me in the face so I probably shouldn't count on that.
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