I'm Mad as Hell

Dec 14, 2009 21:35

And I'm not going to take it anymore!! I have watched for years my friends and co-workers get abused by both customers and their employers. There is not much we can do about the customers but we, all of us, can do something about our employers. We can stand together and as one voice say we deserve respect for what we do. Yes I am talking about collective bargaining, also known as a union. I know these are scary words in an uncertain time, but there really is no better time to act. Large businesses have ridiculous amounts of power over their employees and we to often live in fear that if we don’t make certain “numbers” we will lose our jobs. These numbers are usually unrealistic and have little if any really relation to the hard work we do except to quantify such things as hard work, dedication and persistence. I know that people are afraid; afraid they will lose their jobs, lose respect, and lose what little they have. I say that fear is for those with something to lose, but I ask what do you have? Your employer doesn’t respect you your customers don’t respect you and with companies shrinking their budgets so that upper level management can get getting their bonuses for our hard work how much longer will you have that job? I don’t need more money, that’s not what this is about. This isn’t just about better benefits, although those would be nice. This is about not living in fear anymore and getting the respect we deserve. We, you and I, keep these businesses running. We are the product that many of these companies sell. What happens if we all say no more abuse? These companies crumble. I am asking people that are interested in joining me in taking a stand to let your voice be heard. Email me or post a response to this blog entry if you are interested. I'm am looking for people that work tech support, be it on the phone or in the IT group at an office, it doesn't matter. all that matters is that you want to stand up for yourself and for others in our field. If your not sure if you belong come anyway, maybe you don't but we could use your input into this process. I would like to get a head count soon so I can find a place we can all meet. If you are worried about your boss finding out what you are doing get a free email account and don’t use your real name; you can even do this from a coffee shop or a public library if you are really worried about this. I do advice however that you don’t do this from work; surprise a useful element after all.
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