Hi! Wow, I've been absent here for so long, I'm surprised you found me. But also happy. Thanks :)
Mmm, multi-dimensional Fraser. Maybe basically I love it because it makes him look so sexy (hey, real deep there^^;) but yeah, it's so illuminating since he *doesn't* show those less than perfect emotions and sides of himself most of the time. And yes! on the inner cursing -- it used to be a pet peeve of mine, when Fraser's POV included words like fuck or hell or cock, but nowadays I'm starting to think... Yeah. Handled carefully, yeah, I *can* see him swearing in his head, definitely.*g* And that makes him a lot more interesting. And hot. (ahem.)
Oh, BTW, you're the Sunday reccer over at ds_flashback, aren't you? I'd just like to say a big thank you for taking on the job, since even though I'm a F/K reader most of the time, it's so sad I don't find recs of Vecchio stories as much as I do Kowalski ones, being a new-coming fen here. *Are* there F/V-centered rec sites and I'm just not looking in the right directions, or is reccing not a big thing in this side of DS fandom, I wonder?
Anyway, so I'm very happy for the new insights you've given us, even if at the moment I'm devoutly doing my best *not* following links to stories...*g* No. No, Zerlina, no.
But, yay, I loved "A Very Drunk Leprechaun" too! whitepuppy and the rest of us folks talked about it back when dsfen_japan was not yet in existence. It's just so funny, and sweet.
Oh, this reply is getting too long. May I just add, I love your icon!!! That's the. Most. Hilarious thing I've seen in a long time. Thank you for the squee!*g*
Oh, I completely agree that it makes him very sexy. quite sexy. *g* But I also think that when the boys get emotional, it allows you to see them in such a different light that they become more than two dimensional, more than just some cute guy you watch on the television to someone that you can go so far as to relate to and care about and feel for. And because I fly the Vecchio flag, I was especially drawn in by David Marciano's performance in "The Deal". That whole scene where he faces Zuko was amazing. Very highly charged.
And yes ma'am, I am the Sunday reccer on ds flashback. Unfortunately it's going to be over tomorrow. My last rec *sniffles*. It was quite a fun ride. I hope speranza continues sometime in the future. she did a great job putting and holding it together.
As for Vecchio-centric sites, oh dear... there is: http://www.justthefics.com which is a Vecchio only fic archive that I run. And there are links not only in the "link" part but at the author's page that will lead you to more Vecchio goodness. Unfortunately, there aren't many people that rec Ray. Sometimes you just stumble upon him. *grins* Also there's a yahoogroup called TwoAxes where you can get info on Vecchio recs and fics.
And thank you for your kind words about the icon. :)
And I friended you, so I hope to see more from you *nudge nudge*
Mmm, multi-dimensional Fraser. Maybe basically I love it because it makes him look so sexy (hey, real deep there^^;) but yeah, it's so illuminating since he *doesn't* show those less than perfect emotions and sides of himself most of the time. And yes! on the inner cursing -- it used to be a pet peeve of mine, when Fraser's POV included words like fuck or hell or cock, but nowadays I'm starting to think... Yeah. Handled carefully, yeah, I *can* see him swearing in his head, definitely.*g* And that makes him a lot more interesting. And hot. (ahem.)
Oh, BTW, you're the Sunday reccer over at ds_flashback, aren't you? I'd just like to say a big thank you for taking on the job, since even though I'm a F/K reader most of the time, it's so sad I don't find recs of Vecchio stories as much as I do Kowalski ones, being a new-coming fen here. *Are* there F/V-centered rec sites and I'm just not looking in the right directions, or is reccing not a big thing in this side of DS fandom, I wonder?
Anyway, so I'm very happy for the new insights you've given us, even if at the moment I'm devoutly doing my best *not* following links to stories...*g* No. No, Zerlina, no.
But, yay, I loved "A Very Drunk Leprechaun" too! whitepuppy and the rest of us folks talked about it back when dsfen_japan was not yet in existence. It's just so funny, and sweet.
Oh, this reply is getting too long. May I just add, I love your icon!!! That's the. Most. Hilarious thing I've seen in a long time. Thank you for the squee!*g*
And yes ma'am, I am the Sunday reccer on ds flashback. Unfortunately it's going to be over tomorrow. My last rec *sniffles*. It was quite a fun ride. I hope speranza continues sometime in the future. she did a great job putting and holding it together.
As for Vecchio-centric sites, oh dear... there is: http://www.justthefics.com which is a Vecchio only fic archive that I run. And there are links not only in the "link" part but at the author's page that will lead you to more Vecchio goodness. Unfortunately, there aren't many people that rec Ray. Sometimes you just stumble upon him. *grins* Also there's a yahoogroup called TwoAxes where you can get info on Vecchio recs and fics.
And thank you for your kind words about the icon. :)
And I friended you, so I hope to see more from you *nudge nudge*
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