Object Permanence

Jan 09, 2008 14:09

One important developmental milestone in an infants brain is recognizing object permanence. At this point Lily assumes I don't exist if she can't see me. She would have no problems whatsoever if I died an evil doppelganger took my place. In fact she may assume this happens everyday.

However for the last few weeks she has been starting to clue in on things don't just vanish because you can't see them. Last night Chris and I were in bed with Lily 'attached' to Chris and falling asleep. Chris and I were talking and must have woken Lily up a little because she detached and turned her head to look at me. We shut up to let her goto sleep.

However for the next 5 minutes Lily would:
1) Detach
2) Slowly turn her head and look at me
3) Flash a huge smile
4) Re-attach
5) Nurse for 20 seconds
6) repeat

Its pretty funny seeing that "Look at that he is still there" smile. The best part was the slow turn. It literally took her a second or 2 to turn turn her head. I could envision in my mind the anticipation as her little brain went "no daddy yet, no daddy yet, no daddy yet, Ahh there he is". Eventually I had to leave so that she could get some rest.
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