
Jan 20, 2011 20:55

Oh, goodness! She's alive, yes! I'm alive and I have started a few things and made a few new tweeks and changes to me and mine.

One; I've begun my art again, which I am happy about, after a long time of not having the TIME to do it.
Two; VIDEO BLOOOOGGG!!! Yes I have gone full circle and now its time to advertise me and mine. While, at the moment, nothing is too entertaining and its more of a good way to get me up and going, I will be posting one everyday and would appreciate it greatly if I could get some support from my peers and fellow artists. What's a better way to get support than from hundreds of random viewers online.
Three; I plan to start selling prints soon... possibly more.

Three is all you get for now. NOW, ON TO THE ART!

Not sure if I posted these yet, but there was a flood that happened during the summer. Some family members and I went around in between it and I took some pictures.

Just some new things. I'll be making some more. Please check out my vlog and ask others to do the same. Much thanks. More to come. Take care, be safe and bye.

photography, announcement

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